Animated film and dance show

August 15, 2024
6:30 p.m.
Lac-Brome Theater

Thomas Corriveau
and Eduardo Ruiz-Vergara

Special day on animated film

The program will pair a selection of Thomas Corriveau animated films with the presentation of two short solo choreographic pieces by Eduardo Ruiz-Vergara. The two artists will join forces to discuss the links between dance and animation with the public.

Evening program

DANCE : Inachevé, by Eduardo Ruiz-Vergara (8m)

ANIMATION FILMS by Thomas Corriveau

Depuis le silence, 2016 (9 m 48 s)

Madame de Créhaux, 1981 (2 m 38 s ; new copy restored in 2023)

Kidnappé, 1988 (8 m 15 s ;new copy restored in 2023)

La bêtise, 2016 (6 m 44 s)

They Dance With Their Heads / Ils dansent avec leurs têtes, 2021 (8 m 27 s)

Errances à Bagheria, 2023 (1 m 15 s)

Marie. Eduardo. Sophie, 2022 (3 m 15 s)

DANCE : Alison, by Eduardo Ruiz-Vergara (9m)
animated images by Thomas Corriveau


Thomas Corriveau made his first films in the 1980s and pursued a career as a visual artist. He works in drawing, painting, printmaking and animation, and regularly exhibits his work in Canada and abroad. For the past fifteen years, he has been fully involved as an independent animator.


Eduardo Ruiz Vergara, founder, choreographer and co-director of Bogota’s Estantres Danza company. His work has been presented in Latin America, Europe and Canada. Settled in Montreal since the summer of 2012, he is actively pursuing his creative, research and teaching work, and will complete a doctorate in arts studies and practice at UQAM in 2024.